Does the interview have anything to do with career advancement?
Unfortunately, the answer isn’t black and white. Let’s look at the two sides and the grey that lies in the middle.
Interviewing well is essential because it can be the deciding factor on whether you get selected for the job in the first place. If you can land a higher-level position, then you are closer to the top of the ladder.
Financially, however, this isn’t always the best.
Let’s look at an example why:
Once upon a time, I was in the restaurant management industry. In less than two years out of college as a manager in training, I earned a role as kitchen manager, a higher paying position compared to manager or dining room manager positions.
When I relocated from Pittsburgh to San Antonio, however, I didn’t get the title of kitchen manager at my new location. Having successfully run kitchens and earning promotions in the past, I was okay with this. I trusted my capabilities and knew I could work my way up.
By taking a lower position at a pay rate above average for just a restaurant manager, I was able to capitalize on the promotion to kitchen manager in only a few short months. If I had negotiated my pay from the beginning with the kitchen manager title, I wouldn’t have earned this raise.
On the other hand, it would be damaging to your career if you took a position that you were underqualified for and then failed to perform. I’ve seen it happen, and I wouldn’t want to get fired because I’ve sold a bill of goods I can’t guarantee delivery on. You can only cover up your lack of skills and knowledge for so long before you’re no longer “the new person,” and the results of the company are a direct reflection of your work.
Now, let’s look at career advancement.
Most companies are doing away with standard annual raises and simply promoting the next person in line. Instead, they’re seeking out top talent, which means seniority doesn’t always hold the weight it used to.Often, the promotions don’t go to the top performers, but instead to those who have the best relationships in the office.
This means that introverts or people reluctant to speak about money or tout their success are often get overlooked. Instead, those who are proactive with career advancement by planning future promotions and actively working to increase their value are the ones who climb the ladder quickly.
So what does this mean when we tie it together?
Gone are the days when we wait around for someone to leave the company or the boss to take notice of the hard work we’ve done.
Exceptional interviewing may lead to the job. But career advancement only happens when you can deliver on the bill of goods.
If you want to earn the most over time and develop your career, find a job in which you can grow within the company. In your interview, ask about opportunities for advancement with the knowledge and confidence that you can create opportunities that don’t yet exist.
Focus on doing your best work and learn what those in roles you desire are doing be successful.
What you plan for, you create—good or bad.
Looking for more career advice? Browse other tips on the My Promotion Plan blog.
Hey Friend, you are awesome! I’d like to ask permission use this content in my class, Career Strategies for Business and Humanities Majors this next Winter 2021 quarter? Yep, back in the classroom after 27-year break!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Catch-up chat after holidays?
Much love, Mary…
Hi Ken,
It’s wonderful that students have an opportunity to learn from you. You can always use my content in your classes.